The reason I named this blog 'Minna &
beyond' is to post pictures and stories of my friends' cats and new year is the perfect time to start. Cheri, my very close friend, has three himalayans and they are Alex, Sam and Mia. Alex & Sam are brothers, that's why they sleep together in the first picture (I think adult male felines don't sleep together unless they are littermates). The other picture is Mia and we call her princess. Sadly, we don't have pictures with all three cats together because both Alex and Mia want to be the alpha so they don't get along too well, but Sam likes everyone so he is the mediator in the family.
They are very beautiful!
Hi Minna & Wendy,
We miss you! Thanks for posting our pictures. Minna is looking more beautiful every day, she is a special kitty.
Mia, Sam & Alex + Cheri too!
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